Zee TV introduced a new fiction show - Apna Time Bhi Aayega, which follows the inspirational narrative of Rani, the young daughter of a head staff member of an affluent family of Jaipur. Refusing to be tied down by her humble roots, Rani wants to break free from the shackles of her background to carve her own destiny. Brilliantly essayed by television actress Megha Ray, Rani’s story and life struggle is not very different from Megha’s herself.
Similar to her on-screen character Megha Ray too, is an opinionated and outspoken woman who just like her character, wished to pursue mechanical engineering long before stepping into the world of modelling and acting. However, this phase did not pass without overcoming gender challenges brought in by the society. While Megha has not been a victim to something extremely discriminative, she does believe that people make strong assumptions of what women can and cannot do.
Sharing her experience, Megha said, “Just like Rani, I wanted to become a mechanical engineer. At that time, I was often told that it’s not something a girl should pursue because it requires a lot of manual work. Women are assumed to be physically weaker in consideration to men and while I may not completely disagree with that, I don’t think this thought really applied here. What really matters is how well do you think yourself capable of being something and be willing to chase it strong enough. Both the genders have their differences but that shouldn’t stop us, we can all pursue what we want freely!”
Well, Megha’s determination and words of wisdom are surely an inspiration for many women around but will Rani also manage to inspire her fans? Fighting to free her innocent father from a wrongly accused sin, will Rani manage to prove her worth to everyone and to Rajeshwari especially?
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