5 Best Plants to Grow in a Balcony

Whether you own a garden or not, having plants in your balcony or deck lets you soften your home’s indoor-outdoor connection and lets you befriend greenery without even stepping out of the house. Although there are a wide range of trees, shrubs and herbs that can be planted in the balcony, the five selected here are a mix of flowering and non-flowering decorative plant and climber varieties that can beautify your balcony garden without demanding a lot of care. So, are you ready to introduce your balcony garden with these lovely greens?

  1. Palms
    Native to tropical and subtropical climates, most houseplant palms commonly have evergreen fronds arranged on top of a branchless stem. Just like palm trees, potted palms thrive in warm or hot climates and can tolerate irregular watering and some shade fairly well.


Areca palm (Dypsislutescens) is an ornamental houseplant quite familiar to India. Bamboo palm (Chamaedoreaseifrizii), lady palm (Rhapisexcelsa), cat palm (Chamaedoreacataractarum), fishtail palm (Caryotamitis) and parlour palm (Chamaedoreaelegans) are sister species of the areca palm, which can find a place in partly shaded and fully shaded balconies of Indian homes.


Pot type: These slow growers can be planted in medium to large pots to support the plant’s height. Palms are great for creating green screens for privacy when planted in a row in long planters.


What they need: Indirect sunlight throughout the day is enough for houseplant palms to grow their best. Well-drained, fertile soil is favourable. Watering when the soil looks dry and pruning leaves when they turn brown can go a long way in keeping the plants fresh and green all year round.


  1. Marigolds
    Tagetes is commonly known to us as the marigold. Brightly colouredflorets crowning a stem with dark-green pinnate (long, narrow) leaves is characteristic of a typical marigold plant. The flowers of this annual species bloom in yellow, orange, and maroon shades. They are often considered perennial, as they can self-sow. Collect their seeds and drop them into pots for new plants. De-heading spent blossoms will extend their flowering period. Marigolds are drought-tolerant, low-maintenance houseplants that grow well in tropical, subtropical and temperate climates. It is believed that marigolds deter common pests like mosquitoes and beetles effectively.

    French marigold (Tagetespatula)African marigold (Tageteserecta) and signet marigold (Tagetestenuifolia) are cultivated throughout India. Since they adapt to hot, humid and dry surroundings easily, you can bring them to your balcony gardens and terraces (even if you have a brown thumb).


Pot type: Single plants can be planted in small pots and multiple plants can grow together in medium-sized or large pots.


What they need: Although marigolds are fairly tolerant to extreme conditions like drought and humidity, full sun exposure and moderately fertile, well-drained soil favour the plant’s life.


  1. Pothos
    This evergreen perennial vine, which you know as the money plant (Epipremnumaureum), is one of the most easy and fail-safe houseplants to grow in your balcony. Pothos, a species with yellow-speckled green heart-shaped leaves, take the help of aerial roots to climb up and around any support. Its robust and resilient nature makes it fit to fight temperature differences and sudden weather changes of India effectively. Plus, pothos plants are said to improve IAQ (indoor air quality) by removing toxins such as formaldehyde from the air.


Pothos comes in a number of varieties – golden pothos, marble queen pothos, neon pothos, manjulapothos and more, depending on the colour and speckles that its leaves bear. As they are native to India, all varieties grow here without much trouble.


Pot type: Money plants can thrive planted in either soil and water. They can be trained to climb trellises, grills and railings or allowed to cascade down a hanging planter. Small to medium pots work fine.


What they need: Pothos are hardy plants that flourish under indirect sunlight. Plants growing in water needs to be kept in a shaded place to maintain an even temperature. Otherwise, use well-drained soil and water twice a week. A minimal use of liquid fertiliser works as a catalyst to the plant’s growth.


  1. Ferns
    Any balcony would get touch of lush, graceful verdure with a pot (or several pots) of ferns. Houseplant fern varieties, although very adaptive, flourish best under shade with diffused light. Hence, they grow perfectly in balconies and outdoor seating areas. Plus, houseplant ferns are distinctly decorative and easy to maintain.


Common species that you can invite home are: Boston fern (Nephrolepisexaltata), East Indian holly fern (Arachniodessimplicior), lady fern (Athyriumfilix-femina) and ostrich fern (Matteucciastruthiopteris).


Pot type: Medium-sized tubs, pots and planters can be employed.

What they need: Houseplant ferns love evenly moist soil, humid air and shade. They respond well to fertile soil with minimal doses of fertiliser and slight pruning. They make a great addition to a small balcony garden.


  1. Coleus

Coleus varieties are prized for their brightly-coloured foliage mottled with red, crimson, pink and yellow. They bring a punch of colour into the balcony throughout the year. Solenostemonscutellarioides is the decorative species of coleus, available in a wonderful array of colours and patterns on its leaves.


Pot type: Coleus plants can be grouped together in medium-sized pots and planters. They can also be hanged separately in small hanging planters for some vertical interest.


What they need: They grow best in well-drained potting soil and need to be watered regularly. Mild use of fertilisers every month strengthens its growth and yield. Pruning is necessary if the leaves turn brown or yellow.

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