How to Live With a Money Plant


The money plant, an evergreen climber, can grow in soil as well as in water. It can withstand sudden temperature changes and climatic variations, which makes it an apt choice for Indian houses. According to Vastu, keeping a money plant in the south-eastern zone of the home can bring wealth and good luck. It is also used as a Feng Shui cure to attract positive energy and prosperity.

The money plant is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. It is a highly adaptable and low-maintenance plant, so it doesn’t matter if you have a green or a brown thumb, you cannot easily kill it. The plant can brighten up any decor style and is great for indoor as well as outdoor use. Not only this, it is believed that this plant can efficiently remove airborne toxins, such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

Getting interested? There are many ways in which this vine can turn your home into a striking and healthy living space. Read on for ideas.

Liven up the wall

Turn any plain wall into a green wall by growing a money plant on it. Since this plant is an avid climber, it can completely cover any area with its foliage. A full lush wall does create an impact, doesn’t it? Additionally, the greenery cools the indoor air and makes for a healthier mini-ecosystem.

Tip: Green walls can be a part of both indoor and semi-outdoor spaces. A typical green wall is best located in spaces where indirect sunlight is abundantly available.


Have a bushy pot

For a more bush-like look, you can grow a money plant in a small- or medium-sized pot. With adequate water and fertiliser (optional), this plant will sprout new stems from the parent stem.

You will have to prune the plant whenever the stems seem outgrown and look untidy. Make sure the pot you choose has drain holes; money plants are vulnerable to over-watering.

You can use the potted money plant as an accessory in any space, be it a cosy room or on a dining table. Make sure to bring it occasionally into the sunlight to let it absorb the light that it needs.

Here a planter has been placed along the window sill and allowed to fill its length.

Let it trail down from heights

Allow the long stems to hang down from a pot kept on a high stand or shelf. This is more maintenance-free as you don’t have to prune the plant or tie the stems to supports very often.

You can place the high stand in the living or dining area of your home or keep a pot on the highest shelf of your study desk or kitchen cabinet. The dangling stems will add beauty to any spot.

And this one reminds me of a lush creeper in a forest … I love how the overgrown stems cascade to gather on the floor. The money plant here is the centre of visual interest in the powder room.

Inject life into any dead ceiling corner or window by hanging a pot full of these gold-and-green leaves. The money plant pot here is suspended from the window lintel by hooks.
Tip: Money plants do well in low-light and high-humidity spaces. Hence, you can safely place them in bathrooms as well.
Pots are easier to maintain as compared to a vertical garden or green wall; choose a system that you can efficiently manage.
Look out for yellowing leaves; it indicates that the plant is fighting excessive moisture or has been over-watered.

Take it outdoors

Money plants don’t react well to direct sunlight. Hence, they are not used to mask facades and exterior garden walls. If you still wish to adorn your outdoors with this plant, pick a partly or fully shaded zone. A porch or pergola works best.

Use it as a decor staple

Wouldn’t you love to have a cluster of plants spreading overhead, like in the picture? Here, the green vines are allowed to climb over a custom-made lattice that is suspended from the ceiling in this crisp white kitchen.

Try doing the same by twining a money plant round a ladder, a jaali partition or the staircase railing.

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