Unveiling the Truth: 10 Facts about Natural Diamonds

Imagine a world where nobody lies, says anything misleading, or does anything dishonest - International Tell the Truth Day is the time to take 24 hours to honour the essential facet of being honest. And that's precisely why we are taking this opportunity to unveil the truth and reveal 10 fascinating facts about natural diamonds that will enhance our appreciation for these marvels of nature that have captivated human hearts for centuries with their timeless beauty and allure.


1. Origin and Formation:

Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under extreme pressure and temperature conditions over billions of years. They are created from carbon atoms - the same element found in pencil graphite - arranged in a crystal lattice structure, making them one of the hardest materials known to man.


2. Rareness and Rarity:

Despite their popularity, natural diamonds are rare. Only about one in a million diamonds mined worldwide are of gemstone quality. This rarity adds to their value and allure.


3. Geological Sources:

Natural diamonds are sourced from numerous geological locations around the world. Major diamond-producing countries include Russia, Botswana, Canada, DR Congo, and South Africa. Each region produces diamonds with distinct characteristics, contributing to their unique beauty and desirability.


4. Age of Diamonds:

Most natural diamonds are estimated to be billions of years old, dating back to the formation of the Earth's crust. Thus, wearing a diamond is nothing short of wearing a piece of ancient history.


5. Color Spectrum:

While diamonds are often associated with the traditional white colour, they come in a wide array of natural hues - but only 1 in 10,000 diamonds is a fancy colour. These colours are created when trace elements interact with the carbon atoms during the diamond's creation. For instance, chemical elements such as nitrogen, sulphur, and boron can colour diamonds in shades of yellow, green and blue.


6. Clarity and Inclusions:

Almost all natural diamonds contain tiny imperfections or inclusions. These are the birthmarks that nature leaves within the gemstone. These imperfections can range from tiny crystals to fractures, and their unique patterns can be used to identify individual diamonds.

7. The 4Cs of Diamond Quality:

The value and quality of a natural diamond are determined by the 4Cs: Carat weight, Color, Clarity, and Cut. These factors are internationally recognised standards used to assess and grade diamonds.


8. Diamond's Strengths:

Natural diamonds are incredibly durable and have a Mohs hardness rating of 10, making them resistant to scratching and wear. The only substance that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.


Natural Diamonds carry stories of the Earth's ancient past, rarity, and craftsmanship that bring out their brilliance. Understanding their truth enhances our appreciation for their value, uniqueness, and ethical practices that uphold their integrity. Whether adorned in an engagement ring or passed down through generations, natural diamonds will always mesmerise and enchant us with their timeless elegance.


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