How I Made My Boring IKEA Bookshelf Look Fancy with a Glue Gun

Years ago, I saw an image of set of shelves trimmed in fringe, a small detail that added an infinite wow factor. I filed the photo away and vowed that someday I'd do something similar. Fast forward a few years, and my current apartment provided the perfect blank canvas: My modestly sized bedroom came outfitted with a full wall of simple shelves (which I loved)...supported by standard-issue hardware store metal brackets (which I'm less enthused about, to put it mildly). After cramming the shelves full of books, I decided to try my hand at the long-admired detail. The results, if I do say so myself, were nothing short of transformative.

1.Measure and Cut


As any good DIYer knows, preparation is the most important part. Begin by measuring your shelves (which you may want to do ahead of time anyway, to ensure you have enough fabric yardage) and then cutting appropriately-sized strips of trim, leaving an inch or two extra at either end.

2. Secure Ends

Your next step is to secure the ends, to prevent any messy fraying once the trim is in place. Squeeze a dab of glue 1/4 inch from the end of your trim strip, and then fold the edge over to secure it, tucking the frayed, cut end behind.

3. Glue in Place


Next comes the biggest step: Securing your trim to your shelf. I secured one end with a tack to hold it in place while I squeezed glue one or two inches at a time, pressing the trim securely before moving on to the next section. Once it's all held down, you can remove the tack. It's worth noting, though, that those who want the option of more easily removing the trim could forgo glue altogether in lieu of simple, brass tacks pressed in every few inches for a nailhead look.

4. Trim

Once you've attached all your strips, trim any hanging bits of glue or any stray trim strands.

5. Enjoy

Now all that's left to do is marvel in your own craftiness. And maybe snap a 'gram.

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