Best Plants to Filter the Air in your Home

House plants add life to any room in many ways. They add a fresh touch, a colorful splash, and even a health benefit. The plants featured in this article are top filter plants that also happen to be very low maintenance. Why not add one to a room in your home?


House plants add life to any room in many ways. They add a fresh touch, a colorful splash, and even a health benefit. The plants featured in this article are top filter plants that also happen to be very low maintenance. Why not add one to a room in your home?

Spider Plant
a.k.a Chlorophytum comosum

Easy to grow and do not require much care. This plant likes bright, indirect light. Removes pollutants: Formaldehyde and Xylene.

This plant grows best in shady areas with moist soil. This plant is also easy to grow. Blooms in the summer season. Removes pollutants: Ammonia, Benzene, Formaldehyde, and Trichloroethylene.

Perfect for those without a greenthumb. This plant requires some sunlight, little water, and dry conditions. Removes pollutants: Benzene, Formaldehyde, Xylene, and Trichloroethylene.

Boston Fern
a.k.a Nephrolepis exaltata

This plant needs to stay moist. They prefer high humidity and indirect sunlight. Perfect place to put this plant is in the bathroom. Removes pollutants: Formaldehyde and Xylene.

Bamboo Palm
a.k.a Chamaedorea


Grows best in bright, direct light. They can grow up to twelve feet high. Removes pollutants: Benzene, Formaldehyde, and Trichloroethylene.

Image Sources: 
Spider PlantPeace LilyBoston FernBamboo PalmSnake Plant


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